
Do you have concerns about your child’s literacy skills? Has your child been evaluated through the public schools, but you aren’t satisfied with the results? Do you need observation of your child in their school environment?

I’m here to help!

As a former Special Education Teacher and current Dyslexia Tutor, I have several years of experience testing and diagnosing students with learning disabilities. I am able to provide an in-depth diagnostic reading evaluation with an accompanying report. This report will include instructional recommendations based on the diagnostic data collected.

In addition, once a baseline is established, progress monitoring assessments may be completed at determined intervals.

Part of a thorough evaluation includes an observation of the child in their environment. I am available to complete observations as part of a full diagnostic evaluation. In addition, I am able to supplement recent evaluations with observation and additional testing.

My approach is collaborative.

I work with you and your child to create an environment where they are comfortable and able to demonstrate their skills. 

After the initial contact, I will schedule an intake call with you to discuss your specific concerns and gather more information about your child. During this call, we will schedule a testing date and discuss the options for observations. You will then receive a contract to sign in order to confirm the testing date.

Prior to the testing day or scheduling an observation, you will be emailed a release of information to complete and sign. This allows me to gain information from your child’s school and conduct an observation. 

Once a report is completed, you will have the opportunity to schedule a meeting to discuss the results. I am available to attend IEP meetings or consult with the school.

Inclusion is not simply about physical proximity. It is about intentionally planning for the success of all students.