Special Education Advocacy
Is this you?
You walk into an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) meeting. Everyone else is already there. You sit down with a pen and a piece of paper in the only empty seat at the table. The introductions start. Most of the people you haven't seen or heard from in a year, the others are new. While everyone is staring at you, the team chair wants to know how you feel your child is doing. Overcome with stress, you struggle to find the right words advocate for what’s really going on with your child.
Each person presents their information. It's fast, numbers are given with little explanation, and each small amount of growth is celebrated. You are handed a copy of the notes to sign and told that you'll receive the IEP in ten days. Leaving the meeting, you feel like crying because you don't know what to do. It was overwhelming and you felt like you didn't have a voice. These are supposed to be the experts, yet something doesn't seem to be adding up.
How I Can Help:
I help parents find their voice in order to help their child reach their full potential.
Even if you take the time to learn the laws and educate yourself on your child's needs, the school takes you more seriously when you have a second person at the meetings with you.
My goal is to help you apply the “I” in IEP to your child throughout the Special Education Process. I help you understand the languages of Reguleeze (Laws and Regulations) and Documenteeze (Reports, IEPs, Etc.). I am a teacher and a bridge. I offer a variety of services based on your need at the time.
You deserve to feel supported in the IEP process. As your advocate, I will:
Review and explain your child’s IEP and reports to you
Provide analysis of past IEPs to monitor progress and determine if your child is being appropriately taught
Ensure goals, objectives, and benchmarks are measurable
Prepare for upcoming IEP Team meeting and attend meetings
Help you understand and graph data
Connect you with a variety of resources
I will help you and your child clarify their goals and create a plan of action.
I will help you organize your child's information in a way that creates a vivid picture of all of their natural gifts, strengths, and qualities. We will work collaboratively to help both of you find your voice and actively participate as a members of our team.
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